New Trademark Fees Take Effect January 18, 2025

Every two years the USPTO reviews and adjusts trademark fees. This year several fees have been increased affecting both trademark applications and trademark maintenance. The following are the most impactful changes:

Trademark Applications:

There are no longer two tiers of trademark filings based on description of goods/services. Instead, all trademark applications will be filed as a base application. If the applicant chooses to customize a free-form identification of goods and services, a surcharge will apply.

  • Base application filing fee: $350/class
  • Free-form ID surcharge: $200
  • Additional surcharge for free-form ID exceeding 1000 words: $200
  • Statement of Use (SOU)/Amendment to Allege Use (AAU): $150 (increased from $100)

These changes mean that the overall cost to file a trademark application in one class increases by at least $100 on January 18. So, if you are ready to file an application or you are ready to file the SOU/AAU for your already filed intent-to-use application, filing by January 17 can save you some money.

Trademark Maintenance:

Trademark registrations must be maintained by filing a Declaration of Use and a Declaration of Incontestability between the 5th and 6th year from the registration date and by filing a renewal application every 10 years from the registration date. All of these fees are increasing on January 18.

  • Section 9 Renewal Application fee: $325 (increased from $300)
  • Section 8 Declaration of Use fee: $325 (increased from $225)
  • Section 15 Declaration of Incontestability fee: $250 (increased from $200)

These changes mean the overall cost to maintain your trademark registration in one class increases by $175 on January 18. So, if your window to pay maintenance fees is open, filing by January 17 can save you some money.

For a full list and explanation of all trademark fee changes you can visit the USPTO website:

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